Monday, February 4, 2019

How do you make beer (if you brew outside) when the actual air temperature is double digits below-zero?

Before I answer that I must back up a few months. When my brand new, still unused, electric brew system arrived archery deer season had just started. For all of October and half of November I was in the woods every free hour that was available. Mid November here in Michigan marks the beginning of firearms deer season. An unofficial state holiday. Of course I took part right to the last day. Archery season picks up again at that point plus a 10 day black powder season so time to shove some powder and lead down the barrel of my Hawken plains rifle and hunt until the new year begins.

That takes me to January and cold weather which has only gotten colder in recent weeks. So cold schools have been shut down for an entire week. So cold salt and de-icer can't work. So cold the United States Post Office stopped delivery for days.

So the answer to the question; how do you make beer when the air temperature is double digits below-zero?
You don't.

Now four whole months have gone by and except for putting together and setting up, I haven't touched my new, expensive, fancy brew system.

PS. The photo above is someone throwing a cup of boiling water into the air where it freezes instantly at those temperatures.

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