Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I'm Back


After a five year absence from blogging I am back. Don't ask why... I don't know.

A lot has happened since I left off. I have purchased not one... not two... but three new brewing systems. All of them all-in-one units.

The idea was to extend my brewing season once the weather gets too cold outside to brew in my garage. 

My first AiO was an Anvil Foundry 10.5. It worked OK but there were limitations I did not like so I sold it. Next I bought the relatively new SS Brewtech SVBS (Single Vessel Brew System). I like it much better than the Anvil Foundry.

Then in 2020 my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is fully recovered but the medication she must take every day prevents her from consuming alcohol. That means I am the only beer drinker in the house and while one 5 gallon batch is do-able, A keezer filled with three to four kegs is not. So enter brew system number 3. I found a used Anvil Foundry 6.5 and can make 2.5 gallon batches with it which is working out great!

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