Sunday, February 16, 2025


After much prodding, probing and more lab work than a lab rat is used to it turns out my lymphoma is stage 2. BUT! since I am not exhibiting symptoms my Oncologist has decided to hold off on treatment in lieu of close monitoring and regular testing.

That's the good bad news. The bad bad news is that a routine stress test lead to a heart cauterization which revealed 4 blockages in my heart totaling 80% to 90%  blockage. One of them the Cardiologist calls the "widow maker". Such a warm and fuzzy bedside manner the man has. Bottom line is that in just over a week they will cut my chest open and take blood vessels from my arms and legs to bypass the damage. 

My brewing days are suspended indefinitely. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025



I don't know who needs to hear this but if you are adding a crystal malt or adjunct in addition to your base malt it is no longer a SMaSH.

Similarly if you add different hop to your hop schedule... Magnum at :60 for bittering and then Citra at :10 for flavor and aroma... it is no longer a SMaSH.