Sunday, February 16, 2025


After much prodding, probing and more lab work than a lab rat is used to it turns out my lymphoma is stage 2. BUT! since I am not exhibiting symptoms my Oncologist has decided to hold off on treatment in lieu of close monitoring and regular testing.

That's the good bad news. The bad bad news is that a routine stress test lead to a heart cauterization which revealed 4 blockages in my heart totaling 80% to 90%  blockage. One of them the Cardiologist calls the "widow maker". Such a warm and fuzzy bedside manner the man has. Bottom line is that in just over a week they will cut my chest open and take blood vessels from my arms and legs to bypass the damage. 

My brewing days are suspended indefinitely. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025



I don't know who needs to hear this but if you are adding a crystal malt or adjunct in addition to your base malt it is no longer a SMaSH.

Similarly if you add different hop to your hop schedule... Magnum at :60 for bittering and then Citra at :10 for flavor and aroma... it is no longer a SMaSH. 

Monday, December 2, 2024



I stopped brewing in April 2023. I began to have shoulder pain and could not lift anything more than 10 pounds. 

Then I bought an Anvil 6.5 for the purpose of making small, 2.5 gallon batches and made one Vienna Lager a year later in April of this year.

A month later the doc finally insisted that I have shoulder surgery!

Finally, this past October after intense physical therapy I began thinking about what I wanted to brew so that I could jump back in the game. Put me in coach! Except that I began having other problems like almost daily gut cramping coupled with nausea and a marked lack of appetite. (I've lost just over 30 pounds in the past 18 to 24 months!) On top of that I was easily winded which I attributed to lack of exercise. No problem since I was going to the gym three to four days a week for my shoulder rehabilitation. While I was there I just put in some extra cardio routines to fix that issue right up. Right?

Well, my doctor was a little more curious about all of it and sent me in for tests and scans. The first issue uncovered was that the shortness of breath is the result of COPD. Great. Now I have to carry a rescue inhaler around with me at all times. But THEN... a CT scan revealed a 2.6cm abdominal lymphoma. So I went to have a biopsy the day before Thanksgiving. As of right now I am still waiting for the results but the doc suspects that based on the size it is more than likely cancerous. 

I still feel well enough to brew but now my days are filled with doctor appointments, more tests and scans and that is on top of everything that keeps us all busy during daily life. As much as I want to brew the reality is that my beer life is still on hold.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Why I Hate Beer Kits

I don't really hate beer kits. 

Well, I try not to hate beer kits. 

Beer kits have some good points. 

I just can't get past the drawbacks inherent of many... most... all kits. 

Oh who am I fooling? I hate beer kits for one reason.

First however let me start with why beer kits are valuable. The brewer doesn't have to source a recipe. They don't have to figure how much of everything they need. It's all included in the kit. Since a majority of kit users are new to brewing these can help them make some very good beer right out of the gate. Even seasoned brewers find them very convenient and worthwhile.

The reason to hate kits however lies in the instructions that come with them. Step Six in the included picture is the perfect example of crappy instructions. Have you ever run into any advice so unsound?

To suggest to a new brewer that they should be monitoring the krausen to determine when it falls means that the brewer will be removing the lid of the brew bucket ("pail") to check. This will lead to oxidized beer.

Next comes the directions to transfer the beer to a secondary vessel. The first error is the time frame given and the "hazardous" warning in the box. How can anyone suggest racking to secondary after just 5 days? And suggest that you should "never" let beer sit in the primary fermenter longer than that? For starters, an average ale is not finished fermenting at just 5 days. You are removing the beer off of the yeast before the yeast has finished its job! No wonder we see so many questions on homebrew forums about FG being too high.

In those same directions comes the perpetuated myth of using a secondary step. This step is not necessary and creates more risk than benefit. Use of a secondary was once considered as a standard practice 30 years ago but even those1990's stalwarts of the process now say that the perceived benefits were not true and that the risks are too high. This can also lead to oxidation.

Why would the makers of a product provide instruction that can result in almost certain failure for their customers? Because these instructions were probably written 30+ years ago and have never been updated. 

Just because they printed it doesn't make it right. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024


Homebrew Do's and Don'ts

Somewhat related to my last post talking about homebrewing myths here are some do's and don'ts that have been gleaned from social media.  

(1) Refractometers don't give accurate gravity readings once fermentation has started. The presence of alcohol skews the readings. There are conversion calculators online but it is generally considered sound practice to take your fermentation and post fermentation gravity checks with a hydrometer.

(2) If you airlock isn't bubbling it's because the seal on your fermenter isn't sealed well and the CO2 is escaping through this "leak" and bypassing the airlock. 
(3) Despite the recipe you are following saying bottle on day [fill in the blank] yeast doesn't follow a calendar. Yeast are living creatures that work on their own time. Let them do their work and throw out your own timeline.
(4) Original gravity, or Specific gravity and Final gravity are not written in stone. The numbers published in your recipe are only estimates. More than likely they are the numbers the author of the recipe experienced and you don't brew on the same equipment they do... you don't use the same ingredients they do... you don't follow the same processes they do. Ignore the number. We are making beer here, not numbers. 
(5) Most homebrewers do not pitch enough yeast. As with timelines and gravity readings you do not have to be a slave to yeast cell counts but you do have to pitch healthy, vibrant yeast and enough of it to keep them happy when doing their job. 
(6) A complex recipe does not necessarily make good beer. Often too many ingredients added without purpose can produce a so-so beer. Using fresh ingredients and developing consistent brewing practices will lead to better success more reliably than a complex recipe. The rule of thumb is: use as many ingredients as you wish just make sure you know what each ingredient does and have a reason for everything you add.

(7) Keep your first few brewing attempts simple. High gravity imperial stouts, complex hazy IPAs, even lagers with their unique fermentation schedules and need for temperature control for the lagering process should be put off as a goal to attempt sometime in the future. Concentrate on making simple recipes consistently before tackling those goals.
(9) If you have a recipe in hand but you don't have or cannot acquire the exact ingredients don't sweat it. Try it with what you've got or make some reasonable substitutions. Don't be afraid to experiment.
(10) There is no reason to run to the internet with every little problem you encounter. Your are likely to get as many silly, misinformed, wrong answers as good ones... and you won't know which are which. Work it out. Power through it. You will learn more by doing than by sifting through the cacophony of confusing voices on social media. This leads to analysis paralysis. But on the other hand who isn't ready to read one more "does this look infected" post on your favorite forum.

Did I get them right? Did I miss one? Or have I gone completely off the rails?

Monday, September 23, 2024

Homebrewing Myths


Do you trust completely the processes you were taught as a new brewer? You probably shouldn't. We all learned certain things that were claimed to be written in stone that later turned out to be completely or largely untrue.

How many of these myths are you still holding on to?


The one that I just recently heard that triggered this post is a myth that I thought was dead... finally. But apparently not is that squeezing the grain bag whether just steeping grains or mashing in a bag will extract tannins. This is FALSE. There are factors that contribute to tannin extraction like ph but squeezing the grains is not one of them. 


This one is related to the previous myth. I and many others who began using the BIAB method 10 to 15 years ago all experienced mash efficiencies in the low to mid 60% range. Until that is we set aside the "squeezing the bag is bad" myth and started squeezing like mad. Using a fine crush, squeezing the bag and sparging with 1.5 to 2 gallons of hot water can bump that efficiency to 80% or better.


Not true. This belief goes back nearly to the beginning of homebrewing. It used to be thought that we needed to get the beer off of the yeast cake as soon as primary fermentation was complete to avoid off flavors and to promote clear beer. This myth was written about widely by authors many of us still revere as the master guru's of homebrewing. The trouble is that those same guru's changed their recommendations but those older books are still around and still tripping up new brewers. With experience and advanced learning we now know that you can leave beer in the primary fermenter far longer than previously thought without any risk of autolysis. Also, your beer will clear just fine without having to go into a secondary vessel. What has been learned also is that the risk of oxidation from moving the beer without extreme care is very real and far more harmful to your beer. 


This one is rather controversial. It has existed since I started brewing 20+ years ago. As a matter of fact it was this very picture posted over 17 years ago on the old Northern Brewer forum where I first heard the term. Being new to all-grain brewing at the time I believed all the comments shouting "Beware Hot Side Aeration!. 

You still see comments like that on homebrew forums and part of the reason for that is that care to avoid hot side aeration is one of those commercial brewing practices that homebrewers believe they need to adopt. The truth is that not every process used at the commercial level applies to the homebrew level. Hot side aeration is one of those those. I would suggest that avoiding introducing oxygen at this stage is easy enough to minimize that you might as well do so but at the same time there is no reason to get worked up about it either.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Help Me Find A Recipe!

If there is one question more common than "Does this look infected?" it would be "Does anyone have a recipe for (fill in the blank)?" 

Fortunately recipes are a dime a dozen online. The trick is finding reliable recipes!

You have no doubt run across a meal recipe on social media and the tagline is usually, "Follow me for more recipe ideas". But when you try to make that dish there is a good chance that it will turn out to be a major disappointment... or it may be very tasty. You just never know. 

And therein lies the problem I have with beer recipes found online. I follow several homebrewing forums and in all of them you will find good folks sharing their recipes. They are probably very good people, very entertaining in their posts and helpful with their replies but I don't know these people or their ability to create a worthwhile recipe. 

Creating a beer recipe requires knowledge of ingredients and how they work (or clash) with each other. If you have a desire to conjure up the next great beer style sure to end up in every brewpub in sight or just want to create something to call your own... a great resource is the book, Mastering Homebrew: The Complete Guide To Brewing by Randy Mosher. While brew guru's like John Palmer approach brewing from a scientific background, Randy is a graphic artist by trade and takes us on more of a right-brain journey. The graphics in his book are attractive and intuitive and help someone like me make sense of the concepts he is teaching.

There are three conditions that I look for in a beer recipe. A trusted source. Tried and true recipes, not just someone's wishful thinking. And perhaps recipes that have done well in competition. Very often you will find all of these in printed sources. I know, I know, who reads books or magazines anymore. But here are some resources for those who still read physical print media.

Brewing Classic Styles by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer should be at the top of your reading list. It offers clear and easy to follow recipes and brewing instructions. These two guys are brew-guru's worthy of the title and have recipe design chops you can trust.

Modern Homebrew Recipes by Gordon Strong is another publication that everyone should read. Strong is a Grand Master Beer Judge and President Emeritus of the BJCP. Yet this book is easy to understand and is full of recipes for all skill levels.

There are many, many homebrewing books by luminaries in the homebrewing world. A few honorable mentions worth looking at are: Clone Brews will give you a leg up when you want to create something close to your favorite beer. The Homebrewers Guide To Vintage Beer by Ron Pattinson is essential for any brewer interested in historic English styles. And Brew Like A Monk by Stan Hieronymus is a must for those who like and want to make Trappist style ales.

Compared to books, your choice of magazines is somewhat more limited. I currently have two delivered; Zymurgy Magazine from the American Homebrewers Association and Brew Your Own (BYO). Each comes in both print and digital form. Both are chock full of recipes which are all archived on there respective websites. I can only recommend one in good faith however. BYO has become the better of the two hands down. Zymurgy in recent years is seemingly less concerned about actual homebrewing information in favor of travel pieces, food fermentation (let's save the pickle recipes for Better Homes & Gardens), non alcoholic beer and some just plain silly shit. There have been some issues that upon flipping through them after they arrived in my mailbox, I simply threw away and never read. My membership is paid up for a few more months but I will not renew. In the meantime I have so many copies of BYO they are sliding off my desk as I type this.

Social Media:
This is my least trusted source but there are a few worthy websites and blogs worth keeping an eye on. First is a personal favorite. I discovered Shut Up About Barclay Perkins over ten years ago. It is written by beer historian Ron Pattinson. Ron is an avid researcher who will spend hours searching through archives of actual brewery logbooks, brewing trade publications, newspaper articles and even the odd courtroom legal transcript. He breaks down and analyzes these brewery logs and scales them down to the 5 gallon homebrew size and publishes two recipes every week. Early on I found his writings appealing and especially like how he uses his research for busting myths. 

My second suggested site is Especially the forums titled Homebrew Lager Recipes, Homebrew Ale Recipes, Homebrew Sours and Wilds Recipes, and Specialty, Fruit, Historical, Other Recipes. There are one or two other forum topics concerning beer recipes but those are often populated by folks asking others to review what they are putting together and looking for improvements. The specific forums linked however are part of the their recipe database. Only recipes that have been tried and tested are allowed here.

Beyond those two online sources however I have no others that I can recommend. I am sure there must be others so if you have any suggestions feel free to share them in the comments.

<< Oh, this? Just a pic that one of the brewers at Fullers posted from their brewery logbook.